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Handling collections

In ActivityPub, ActivityStreams collections are frequently used to handle side-effects. For example, when a Follow activity is sent, the actor is added to the as:followers collection.

ActivityPods make it easy to create custom collections, thanks to the collection API provided by SemApps. The service and mixin below make us of this API to easily handle collections.

Creating an unordered collection

Here’s how an app can create a custom “Friends” collection and attach it to Alice webId:

const aliceFriendsCollectionUri = await'pod-collections.createAndAttach', {
objectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/alice',
attachPredicate: '',
collectionOptions: {
ordered: false,
summary: 'Alice friends',
dereferenceItems: false
actorUri: 'http://localhost:3000/alice'

See the this page` for available collection options.

Creating an ordered collection

Here’s how to create an ordered collection:

await'pod-collections.createAndAttach', {
objectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/alice',
attachPredicate: '',
collectionOptions: {
ordered: true,
summary: 'Alice latest notes',
dereferenceItems: true,
sortPredicate: 'dc:created',
sortOrder: 'semapps:DescOrder'
actorUri: 'http://localhost:3000/alice'

See the this page` for available collection options.

Adding or removing items

Once the collection is created, adding items is pretty straightforward:

await'pod-collections.add', {
collectionUri: aliceFriendsCollectionUri,
itemUri: 'http://localhost:3000/bob'
actorUri: 'http://localhost:3000/alice'

Automatically attaching collections to objects

The previous method works well if you want to create collections only on some occasions. But if you want a collection to be attached to all resources of a certain type, you can use the PodCollectionsHandlerMixin

const { PodCollectionsHandlerMixin } = require('@activitypods/app');
module.exports = {
name: 'attendees',
mixins: [PodCollectionsHandlerMixin],
settings: {
type: 'as:Event',
attachPredicate: '',
collectionOptions: {
ordered: false,
summary: 'Event attendees'

With this new service, the application will listen for creation of resources of type as:Event on the Pods it is installed, and automatically create and attach the collections.

If you want to attach collections to existing resources of type as:Event, you can call the createAndAttachMissing action.

Automatically creating WAC groups

The PodCollectionsHandlerMixin accepts a createWacGroup setting. If true, every time a collection is created, a WAC group will also be created with the same slug as the collection. When the add or remove actions are called, it will automatically add or remove members from the WAC group.

This option should only be used if you are inserting WebIDs in your collection.